Obviously an online consultation is not the same thing as a normal doctor visit. In the classic medical examination, the physical examination can evaluate the cardiac function, frequency, blood pressure, the presence of peripheral pulses, respiration, the presence of respiratory noises, somatic alterations that can lead to a diagnosis or a suspicion of disease . In the online consultation the patient should report these data to the doctor. For example, he should report blood pressure, heart rate, an ECG to the doctor online. If the patient has doubts about cardiac function, it is necessary for him to be visited by a live doctor or to have an ECG performed. Even if you have breathing problems you will need to see a doctor. Basically an ailment that needs urgent treatment and especially an acute cardiac or respiratory ailment needs a medical examination in the presence. A face-to-face visit is also necessary in the event of motor difficulties, paralysis, etc.


You can rely on an online consultation if: you need interpretation of clinical tests; you have a chronic health problem; you have symptoms and you want advice on which way to go to solve the problem; you suspect some acute or chronic pathology and you want to know what to do; you want treatment advice for illnesses you are treating; you are not well and you do not have the possibility to go to a doctor; if you suffer from hypercholesterolemia or hyperuricemia or diabetes or other metabolic disorders and want dietary advice; for whatever reason you are not sure about your health or that of your loved ones.

Garda Lake, Riva del Garda, Trento