I'm Emanuela Pitscheider, General Practitioner in Italy, in the province of Trento.
I am full of work due to the large number of clients. With the Covid era, a new way of working has started: the doctor-patient relationship not in presence, but via email, or online, or via telephone. For some years now I have received many requests for advice, interpretations of clinical tests, requests for further information online, by e-mail or other channels. People refer directly to the clinics only if they are unfamiliar with the internet or if they have time available for travel, waiting and visits. Those who can, can find many answers online. They send me photos, even videos of various manifestations of ailments and pathologies, describe their problem in detail and find a solution within the space of an email, sms or whatsapp response. The patient manages to have his blood pressure measured in the pharmacy or if he measures it with self-measurement devices, measures blood sugar and cholesterol, triglycerides in the pharmacy, carries out ECG and other tests in pharmacies or through a referral in the health company or in the analysis laboratories and sends me the results. From these I can correct therapies, recommend other tests, in short, I can manage a large number of clients online.
It is certain, however, that every now and then a medical visit is needed to take a safer look at the general conditions.
Following the consideration that online it's possible to make a diagnosis or direct towards a diagnosis, it's possible to give advice and help people who need it, recommend therapies, I deduced that I could also use the telematic system for people who want answers but can't go to a doctor.
People from all over the world may not know which doctor to go to; or they may not have time to waste on medical visits due to work commitments, or they may not be able to financially afford a visit;
they may live in isolated areas away from doctors' surgeries.
I considered that I could help people who would like online advice at an affordable price that meets people's economic needs.
I have decided to start this experimental activity of online medical help aimed at populations of any area, at a very low experimental price, paid only if you can find an answer to your health problem.
This is an experimental phase with the aim of helping people in difficulty who don't have health care.
Anyone who can't pay can write anyway and will still receive an answer! You will receive therapeutic advice or advice on tests to be carried out.
I reply to everyone for a limited time and in my spare time. Calculate that I have a lot of work, but I will find a few minutes to answer you too.
you can send all your questions, queries, doubts, requests for analysis interpretations, suspicions of illness to the email
You will find an answer.

Doctor Emanuela Pitscheider is a General Practitioner in Destra Adige, in the province of Trento, Italy. She graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan, specialized in Nutrition Science at the University of Milan and obtained a diploma in General Medicine in Trento. She is registered in the Order of Doctors of Trento under number 03268. She has been a General Practitioner in the Vallagarina District, Province of Trento since 2003.
The doctor practices the clinical profession in outpatient clinics, but also carries out online consultations.